
Blood bank and transfusion services

Dr. Vineeta Verma

Exp.- 24 Years

Blood bank and transfusion services

Transfusion Medicine is the branch of medicine that includes all the aspects of transfusion of blood and blood components including aspects related to hemovigilance. It addresses issues of blood donation, immunohematology testing , other laboratory testing for transfusion transmitted diseases,management and monitoring of clinical transfusion practices, patient blood management, therapeutic apheresis, stem cell collections, cellular therapy, plasma exchange, red cell exchange and coagulation. Management and understanding of state regulations related to the blood and blood components is also included.

The department at the Shree Aggarsain International Hospital is licensed by the DCGI and Deputy Drug Controller Licensing Authority. It is a State-of-the-Art department with latest equipment and technologies, qualified doctors and efficient paramedical staff.

The department is open 24X7. Blood Components and Filtered (Leucodepleted) Red Blood Cells are easily available.

The current department is licensed for collection, storage and processing of whole blood, packed red blood cells, freshfrozen plasma, platelet concentrate, cryoprecipitate as well as Plateletapheresis, Plasmapheresis and Leucopheresis.

Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) are followed in all the areas including donor selection and phlebotomy etc.

Daily, weekly and monthly quality controls are meticulouslyfollowed in various sections to maintain quality.

All the critical equipments are monitored every four hourly for their correctness.

Proper patient blood management and principles of rational use of blood and blood components are being implemented, advocated and audited by the department from time to time. The department is well equipped for plasma exchange for various neurological, haematological indications as well as forPeripheral blood stem cell harvesting, both autologous as well as allogenic. The department is enrolled with the Hemovigilance programme of India and the External Quality Assessment Scheme.


The department strives to be an admired blood bank,committed to:

- Providing International Class Blood Bank services to all our patients ensuring medical and service excellence.

- Enhancement of professional knowledge of the staff.

- Continual Improvement.

- Complying with the statutory regulations and maintaining highest ethical standards.


- Provide state of art blood bank facilities.

- Continuously improve quality.

- Continuously improve client satisfaction.

- Monitor and adhere to the turn around time.

Services offered include:

- BLOOD DONATION – Replacement , Voluntary ,Autologous , Therapeutic


- Blood Grouping

- Cross Matching

- Direct Coombs test (DCT)

- Indirect Coombs test (ICT)

- Antenatal Antibody Titre

- Irregular Antibody Identification

- Cold Agglutinin Test

- Pre & Post Transplant Blood Serum Titres

- Resolution of blood group discrepancies

- Transfusion Reactions


- Filtered Packed Red Blood Cells

- Washed Packed Red Blood Cells

- Packed Red Blood Cells

- Fresh Frozen Plasma

- Random Donor Platelet Concentrate

- Cryoprecipitate

- Cryo Poor Plasma

- Pediatric Packed Red Blood Cells

- Pediatric Fresh Frozen Plasma

- Pediatric Random Donor Platelet Concentrate

- Autologous Transfusion


- Jumbo pack of platelets (Plateletapheresis)

- Jumbo pack of plasma (Plasmapheresis)

- Granulocytapheresis


- Platelet Rich Plasma

- Therapeutic Phlebotomy

- Therapeutic Plasma Exchange for neurological, haematological, oncology, nephrology immune disorder patients, transplant patients, medical cases like acute liver failure, misc cases like TTP, HELLP syndrome etcetc

- Plasma exchange using specialized filter immunoadsorption columns.

- Red Cell Exchange in Sickle Cell Disease

- Thrombocyte Apheresis

- LDL Apheresis

- Automated Red Cell Depletion

- PERIPHERAL BLOOD STEM CELL COLLECTION AND TRANSFUSION for various leukemias, lymphomas and tumors.

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