

Dr. Sagar Verma

Exp.- 6 Years


WHO says there is no health without mental health.”

We all, at some point in our lives, experience mental health challenges that greatly affect our moods, feelings, thoughts and actions. There are effective treatments and interventions that can help us regain our mental health and wellness. And for those of us who live with mental illness, recovery is possible. The Department of Psychiatry at Shree Aggarsain International Hospital delivers holistic treatment that harmonizes your state of mind & overall health while maintaining a complete balance of your mind, body and soul. Our highly trained mental health professionals with a broad scope of experience specialize in diagnosing and treating various mental health problems like anxiety disorders, mood swings, addictions, eating disorders, personality disorders and schizophrenia.

Our treatment approaches help the patients in attaining deepest level of healing and enable them to improve their overall functioning and quality of life. Our professional team provides comprehensive assessment & treatment of the patient in a caring and encouraging environment. We focus on strengthening your skills and behavior to improve your overall well-being, cope effectively with stressors and enhance emotional resilience.

The Department of Psychiatry at Shree Aggarsain International Hospital provides comprehensive clinical services for a wide array of conditions:

• Depression
• Anxiety and Panic attacks
• OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
• BPAD (Bipolar Affective Disorder)
• Mania
• Schizophrenia and Psychosis (Suspiciousness, Hearing of Voices)
• Addictions (Alcohol, Nicotine/Tobacco, Smack, Heroin, Cannabis, Solvents etc.)
• Sleep Issues (Insomnia), Headache, Migraine
• Phobia (Fear of closed spaces, heights, animals etc.)
• Suicidal and Violent Behaviour
• Psychosexual problems (Premature Ejaculation, Erectile Dysfunction etc.)
• Child and Adolescent problems
• ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperkinetic Disorder), Autism
• Stress management
• Relationships and Marital Problems
• Counselling and Psychotherapy

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