

Dr. Diwakar Jha

Exp.- 25 Years

Dr. Harkaran Singh

Exp.- 24 Years

Dr. Ajay Gainda

Exp.- 20 Years

Dr. Vipin Kumar Jain

Exp.- 8 Years

Dr. Ashok Kumar Yadav

Exp.- 4 Years


"Saving Lives, Spreading Smiles"

Internal Medicine department comprises of well- qualified, competent and experienced consultants with expertise in diagnostic dilemmas and treating highly complex health situations that are particularly perplexing in the setting of general practice. Their invaluable experience has often solved medical puzzles of varied variety and have been presented in various national and international medical conferences. The department of medicine believes in the holistic approach towards patients and thus a multi-disciplinary team approach is desired.

A team comprising of Nursing department, Pathologist, Radiologist and Nutritionists also play a vital role not only in patient care but in diagnosis of disease and attendant’s briefing and understanding the diseases and treatment as well.

Following aspects of internal medicine are covered by the department:

Out-patient Care [O.P.D.]

Following aspects of internal medicine are covered by the department:

In-patient Care

The Sick patients with acute problems like Acute Gastroenteritis, Pneumonias, UTI, Sepsis, Accelerated Hypertension, Diabetic- complications and required surgical ailments are admitted in the hospital either in the ward or critical care depending upon the severity of medical conditions.

Infectious diseases such as Malaria, Typhoid fever, Tuberculosis and Dengue fever etc. can present itself in a typical manner and sometime creates a clinical challenge for the attending physicians. However, challenges are dealt with expertise of physicians.

Preventive Health Check-up department

Now a day’s it is an important part of internal medicine department. It is set up with the maxim of “Prevention is better than cure”. It deals with various types of preventive health check investigations and followed by consultation to find any abnormalities. The packages are available according to the need and age-group of the person.

The Department believes in offering patient-centric, effective and equitable services. To support this, we have fully-equipped state-of-the-art, 20 bedded Medical I.C.U. that is managed by qualified and critical care intensivists round the clock.

Services Offered:

  • Medical emergencies like
    • Septicaemia
    • Diabetic Ketoacidosis
    • M.O.D.S (Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome)
    • Pneumonia
  • Septicaemia and Septic shock associated multi-organ failure
  • Fever (Pyrexia) of unknown origin (P.U.O)
  • Management of chronic diseases like
    • Asthma
    • Diabetes
    • Heart disease
  • Treatment of infectious disease due to seasonal infirmities and tropical infections like:
    • Complicated malaria
    • Dengue
    • Chikungunya
  • Comprehensive preventive health check-up
  • Geriatric care: address certain age-specific conditions like:
    • Blood pressure
    • Foot disease
    • Incontinence
    • Mobility enhancement
    • Transitional care and palliative care
  • Critical care management of critically ill/ immuno-suppressed patients

Have you ever wished to have a one-stop solution for all your health concerns? Shree Aggarsain International Hospital takes pride in being your and your family’s healthcare provider for all your medical issues no matter how common or complex they are. The Department of Medicine is the first point of contact for any patient who is seeking for a specialist opinion. Our medical experts first analyse your problem and if required will refer you to concerned medical consultant whose highly specialised skills will help you. We follow a comprehensive, coordinated and holistic approach to treat patients for a wide spectrum of routine and complicated diseases ranging from lifestyle diseases like obesity, dyslipidaemia, diabetes, thyroid disorders, hypertension, heart disease, osteoporosis, respiratory infections, joint pains, vitamin deficiency, HIV & AIDS.

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