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SHREE AGGARSAIN INTERNATIONAL HOSPITAL, Sector -22, Rohini, Delhi is a 500 bed setup and has started providing World Class Medical Facilities with State-Of-The-Art support services under the guidance of experienced and renowned Doctors and trained Nursing & Paramedical Staff.
The Hospital has planned to provide world class patient care and latest medical facilities in this part of the city. The expansion plans are more advanced and to match international standards, new innovations will be incorporated from time to time. The infrastructure and medical services are comparable with the best in the industry.
The Management of Shree Aggarsain North-ex Welfare Society (Regd.) is a Non-Profit Organisation has a vision to provide updated and advanced health care facilities in India and to reach to every person in need. A strong and like-minded trust of 5000+ influential Maharaja Aggarsain Samaj families of India came together (a World Record) with a positive thought to help the Society.
We provide 24 hours World class services for patients.
State-of-the-art Ambulances at our hospital are equipped to handle most complex emergencies and are available to our patients.
These ambulances carry standard equipments like ventilator, Defibrillator, Oxygen, suction, scoop stretcher, spine board, head immobilizer, spencer trolley stretcher and all the other lifesaving drugs.
These ambulances are manned by ALS / BLS trained Doctors along with trained Drivers and Attendants, all are well trained in managing emergencies in their respective fields
To ensure that we meet different needs ranging from fracture to cardiac emergencies, we have following ambulance services:
A request for ambulance can be made on payment basis on the following numbers:
011-66636600 , 011-45911911
Transfusion Medicine is the branch of medicine that includes all the aspects of transfusion of blood and blood components including aspects related to hemovigilance. It addresses issues of blood donation, immunohematology testing , other laboratory testing for transfusion transmitted diseases,management and monitoring of clinical transfusion practices, patient blood management, therapeutic apheresis, stem cell collections, cellular therapy, plasma exchange, red cell exchange and coagulation. Management and understanding of state regulations related to the blood and blood components is also included.
The department at the Shree Aggarsain International Hospital is licensed by the DCGI and Deputy Drug Controller Licensing Authority. It is a State-of-the-Art department with latest equipment and technologies, qualified doctors and efficient paramedical staff.
The department is open 24X7. Blood Components and Filtered (Leucodepleted) Red Blood Cells are easily available.
The current department is licensed for collection, storage and processing of whole blood, packed red blood cells, freshfrozen plasma, platelet concentrate, cryoprecipitate as well as Plateletapheresis, Plasmapheresis and Leucopheresis.
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) are followed in all the areas including donor selection and phlebotomy etc.
Daily, weekly and monthly quality controls are meticulouslyfollowed in various sections to maintain quality.
All the critical equipments are monitored every four hourly for their correctness.
Proper patient blood management and principles of rational use of blood and blood components are being implemented, advocated and audited by the department from time to time. The department is well equipped for plasma exchange for various neurological, haematological indications as well as forPeripheral blood stem cell harvesting, both autologous as well as allogenic. The department is enrolled with the Hemovigilance programme of India and the External Quality Assessment Scheme.
The department strives to be an admired blood bank,committed to:
- Providing International Class Blood Bank services to all our patients ensuring medical and service excellence.
- Enhancement of professional knowledge of the staff.
- Continual Improvement.
- Complying with the statutory regulations and maintaining highest ethical standards.
- Provide state of art blood bank facilities.
- Continuously improve quality.
- Continuously improve client satisfaction.
- Monitor and adhere to the turn around time.
Services offered include:
- BLOOD DONATION – Replacement , Voluntary ,Autologous , Therapeutic
- Blood Grouping
- Cross Matching
- Direct Coombs test (DCT)
- Indirect Coombs test (ICT)
- Antenatal Antibody Titre
- Irregular Antibody Identification
- Cold Agglutinin Test
- Pre & Post Transplant Blood Serum Titres
- Resolution of blood group discrepancies
- Transfusion Reactions
- Filtered Packed Red Blood Cells
- Washed Packed Red Blood Cells
- Packed Red Blood Cells
- Fresh Frozen Plasma
- Random Donor Platelet Concentrate
- Cryoprecipitate
- Cryo Poor Plasma
- Pediatric Packed Red Blood Cells
- Pediatric Fresh Frozen Plasma
- Pediatric Random Donor Platelet Concentrate
- Autologous Transfusion
- Jumbo pack of platelets (Plateletapheresis)
- Jumbo pack of plasma (Plasmapheresis)
- Granulocytapheresis
- Platelet Rich Plasma
- Therapeutic Phlebotomy
- Therapeutic Plasma Exchange for neurological, haematological, oncology, nephrology immune disorder patients, transplant patients, medical cases like acute liver failure, misc cases like TTP, HELLP syndrome etcetc
- Plasma exchange using specialized filter immunoadsorption columns.
- Red Cell Exchange in Sickle Cell Disease
- Thrombocyte Apheresis
- LDL Apheresis
- Automated Red Cell Depletion
- PERIPHERAL BLOOD STEM CELL COLLECTION AND TRANSFUSION for various leukemias, lymphomas and tumors.
At SAIH, emergency handling has been exclusively programmed to avoid wastage of time. Separate entrance for emergency patients, outpatients and inpatients avoids crowd and resultant confusion. The “24 hours SAIH Emergency Services” includes fully equipped Resuscitation Room with ventilators, central venous catheters, defibrillators, Department equipped to handle all emergencies, special ICU with four world class operation theatres with the most modern equipment.
The moment an accident or trauma patient arrives, he/she is rushed to the Resuscitation Room. Once the patient is stabilized, he/she is taken to the adjacent wash room for removal of all traces of dirt and infection and subsequently brought back to the Resuscitation Room for examination, diagnosis and treatment. Depending on the degree of injury sustained, action is taken without any loss of time. A patient with minor injuries is moved to the suture room; once that requires careful monitoring is moved to the ICU and those in need of critical surgeries are shifted to the fully equipped Emergency Operation Theatre for immediate treatment.
24 Hours Help-Line : 011-66636600
EWS Nodal Officer : Dr. Dhiraj Malik
Mobile Number : 9811282538
Email-ID : msdm@saih.in
Govt.EWS Liaison Officer : Mr Devendra Dhayal
Mobile Number : 8447566807
Email-ID : dhayalvanshika2009@gmail.com
Laboratory Services - Function 24x7 with round the clock staff on the job. Our laboratories* are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and we take great pride in providing quick turnaround results on the tests conducted. We continuously strive to provide the most accurate of results and the tests are all conducted in clean, hygienically sterilized conditions.
SAIH has a well-stocked in house pharmacy for all medical supplies.
Please make use of our free home delivery services (We serve locations within 5 kms radius from the clinic). We promise to deliver your medications within 24 hours. This is our "24-hours pharmacy satisfaction promise"
Note: To process the online medicine request, it is mandatory to attach the scanned copy of your prescription / medication strip.
Radiology is the area of medicine that uses X-rays, magnetic waves and ultrasound to obtain detailed images of the inside of the body. Doctors can then use those images to detect and diagnose illnesses and injuries, as well as to help develop treatment plans. The Radiology Department at SAIH offers radiology (also called imaging) services to residents of SAIH, Rohini and the surrounding region. Below are descriptions of some of the imaging tests available at SAIH.
Ultrasound is a noninvasive, non-radiation examination that uses sound waves to detect disease and locate possible abnormalities in breast tissue. Ultrasound systems at SAIH are designed to provide doctors with precise images for efficient diagnosis of breast problems. The system enables the physician to perform high-resolution panoramic imaging or 3D scanning in real time.
Computed tomography (CT) is an imaging test that creates detailed images of internal organs, bones and tissue. The images generated during a CT scan can be reformatted into three-dimensional images viewed on a computer monitor, printed out or transferred to other media. SAIH uses a 64-slice scanner, as well as a four-slice scanner for CT examinations. Each time the scanner rotates around a patient's body, it uses low radiation X-rays to create four or 64 high-resolution slices (images). Because the scanner circles a patient's body about four times every second, patients lie inside of the CT machine for two to three minutes.
Digital mammography is a system to detect breast cancer or other abnormalities. It is replacing traditional X-rays with electronic pictures of the breast. These mammography systems are similar to those found in digital cameras. The images the radiologist reviews are sharper and clearer than film x-rays and the patient's mammogram requires a lower dose of radiation. The radiologist reviews and stores the mammograms on a computer. The woman's experience during a digital mammogram is almost identical to the one she would have during a film mammogram. The only difference she might notice is that her mammogram is now available to her on a compact disc (CD) rather than on a large piece of film.
Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) is the use of MRI imaging (see below) to study a patient's blood vessels after the injection of a contrast material. Unlike conventional angiography, which is an invasive procedure, MRA is noninvasive other than an injection with a needle to administer the contrast material. This technique can be used to obtain images of arteries in the brain, heart, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, aorta, neck, chest, limbs and pulmonary system.
Magnetic resonance imaging uses radio waves and a strong magnetic field to create clear, detailed images of internal organs and tissues. Since X-rays are not used, no radiation exposure is involved. Instead, radio waves are directed at the body. This exam takes 30-50 minutes on average and consists of several imaging series. Many studies will require a small intravenous injection of a contrast agent. However, this agent does not contain iodine, an element used in other contrast agents for X-rays or CT scans. MRI is often used to evaluate or diagnose tumors and diseases of the heart, liver and bowel. It is also sometimes used to monitor an unborn child in the womb.
X-ray (also called radiography) uses a very small dose of radiation to produce pictures of the inside of the body. X-rays are the most frequently used form of medical imaging and they are also the oldest. They are often used to help see bone fracture, injuries or infections; they are also used to locate foreign objects in soft tissue. In some cases, x-ray tests are used in conjunction with an iodine-based contrast material, which is swallowed, to help doctors see certain organs, blood vessels or tissue.
Exp.- 33 Years
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Exp.- 09 Years
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World class services, infrastructure and facilities for patients and visitors.